LSU Health Tumor Registry Launches New Interactive Resource

LSU Health New Orleans Louisiana Tumor Registry has launched a new, user-friendly, interactive, online tool to provide easier access to cancer information in Louisiana. To our knowledge, Louisiana Cancer Data Visualization provides the most complete information of any online state-specific, cancer resource tool in the United States.

This new resource provides a comprehensive picture of cancer statistics in the state in a visual format. It includes an overview, information about types of cancer, cancer stage, cancer survival, pediatric cancers, as well as regional and parish data. Users can clearly see incidence rates, cases diagnosed per 100k people, as well as an average number of cases diagnosed per year. It includes mortality counts and rates, too. Filters give users the option to access the data of interest. Hovering over a parish on the maps displays its rates, which are also color-coded. Darkest colors denote highest rates, with lower rates displayed in lighter and lighter shades. The site also includes changes over time, comparisons to state and national rates, and differences by age, sex, and race.

As opposed to a static, 100+ page publication, the intent is to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.

“Reducing suffering and death from cancer using cancer data is the vision of the Louisiana Tumor Registry (LTR,)” notes Xiao-Cheng Wu, MD, professor of public health and director of LSU Health New Orleans Louisiana Tumor Registry. “While working hard to collect complete, high-quality and timely data, we also seek ways to make LTR data more accessible. We launch this data visualization website hoping it will enhance the use and dissemination of cancer data contributing to the efforts of conquering cancer.”  

